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The Living Room of the Hills

Cycling from San Daniele to discover Friuli's "good living room"


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Where is

Friuli-Venezia Giulia

33038 San Daniele del Friuli UD, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


Cycling in the "living room"? Here you can!

There is a route that, starting from the historic center of San Daniele del Friuli, takes us to visit the wonders the area has to offer. It is a bit as if the most striking elements of these places have been skillfully gathered and put in harmony with each other, going to build a representative route or, if we want to use a more familiar image, a good living room, the one where the family welcomes guests and does the honors. And so we feel excited and even a little honored as, straddling our bicycles, we embark on this path of discovery. Waiting for us "In the living room of the hills," as the route is called, are many wonders that tell of the history, architecture and landscape of the area: timeless villages, castles, historic residences, linked together by glimpses and natural environments of unquestionable beauty.

Thus it is that from San Daniele the pedals take us toward Muris di Rag ogna passing by Ragogna Lake, which doubles the views of vegetation and mountains by reflecting them in its waters. At Muris we find ourselves in a small hamlet overlooked by the high ground of the eastern slopes of Mount Ragogna that rises on our left. From here, if we stop for a moment, we can catch a glimpse of a magnificent panorama made up of the mountains that surround us, the waters of the Tagliamento and, if visibility permits, even those of the Adriatic Sea!

Once we resume our march, it's on to Cimano, and then off we go, through the Acqua Caduta biotope, a fairy-tale place hidden in the torrential valleys that run into the bush. And as if to recall the magnificent gardens of the most sumptuous European courts, after the games of the Acqua Caduta biotope, it's the turn of Susans Castle: nestled in a green clearing, it stands out with its four angular towers and lower central bodies, in a solid and elegant ensemble that invites you to discover it through its driveway and a double staircase leading up to its door. A truly regal view!

Al Castello di SusansAt Susans Castle

But we don't have time to stop, other wonders await us, such as the hamlet of San Tomaso-Comerzo, a hamlet of Majano: here, what from a distance looks like a collection of simple houses is actually an unsuspected treasure chest. Within it, in fact, is the striking complex of the Hospitale di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme. We make a mental note: we will have to return at leisure to admire these ancient stones, but for now the road takes us forward, and here the water once again becomes the protagonist of our little journey. Now in fact, we are passing through a place whose name reveals much of its essence: "Soprapaludo, " that is, "standing above the marsh" one of the local geological sites related to the moraine origin that has for centuries fed peat bogs, both by the particular flat conformation of the countryside that creeps between the groups of low hills that chase towards Majano and towards Fagagna. The esplanade of the "marsh" is obviously rich in water and with little tall vegetation. A little less than a kilometer from the town stands a large furnace long since disused, a witness to the relationship between man and the resources, particularly peat bogs, offered by this environment.

By now we can say that we have perfectly settled and acclimatized in this living room, so much so that the time has come to add another piece to this beautiful place: a glass of good wine. Needless to say, there appear all around us, among groves, small hills, vegetable gardens and farms, many luxuriant vineyards, some of which aspire to be one of the more or less accredited historical origins of Picolit, a prized typical Friulian wine that it would be just a pity not to taste, perhaps just as we arrive at the village of Rive d'Arcano with its namesake castle!

And after receiving so many honors and enjoying so much beauty, we can finally return to San Daniele with a heart full of gratitude and wonder!

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