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Report Events

Why reporting Events is good for my area?

Signaling Events helps raise awareness of my area and give more information and referrals to both visitors and the local community. Signaling recurring events, such as the local craft fair, gives more visibility to the initiatives in my area and orients the visitor who wants to have an experience in contact with the community.

Individual events such as re-enactments, patronal festivals, festivals, and reviews are essential to orient both residents who are looking for leisure inspirations and tourists who want to better plan their itinerary before departure, or during their trip.

What kind of events are there in the Map of Wonders?

There are local events that express the identity of an area (patron's festival, historical re-enactment...), events related to art in all its forms (theater, film festivals, exhibitions...), food and wine events, sports or socially useful events (charity marathon...). Our focus is the territories off the classic tourist routes.

How can I report an event in my area?

If you are an enthusiast, a cultural association, a Pro Loco, a LAG, you can give voice to your area by reporting the most significant Events in the Map of Wonders. If you are interested in mapping the Events in your area contact us, we will offer a brief training and activate this feature for you as well: contact us.


See ‘Pro Guide’

Guide for Local Operators, Local Authorities, Businesses that want to enter the Map of Wonders.

Go to ‘Pro Guide’