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Is SharryLand like the big international booking platforms?

No, it is very different! First, SharryLand is Italian and is dedicated only to Italy, and in particular to the lesser-known and truer Italy. In addition, SharryLand is first of all a meeting place and a community, with a social as well as an economic purpose. And this is a substantial difference.

SharryLand is a Benefit Society. What it means.

It means that SharryLand has written into its charter a commitment to have a positive impact on the areas in which it operates. How? By giving voice to the Wonders of the land, enhancing local identity and knowledge, and creating networks. We want to trigger a flywheel of social, cultural and economic growth. Together we can combat abandonment, create new employment, and improve the quality of life. In compliance with the goals of Agenda 2030.
To learn more, click here.


See ‘Pro Guide’

Guide for Local Operators, Local Authorities, Businesses that want to enter the Map of Wonders.

Go to ‘Pro Guide’