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The way to the Shrine of Our Lady of Feles
The simple and humble religiosity of the rural world
Tauferer street kitchen
Cozy summer evenings in the alleys and lanes of Sand in Taufers.
Event concluded
Tappeiner Walk
The elegance of a city boulevard, but suspended over the valley
Käsefestival / Cheese Festival
In March, Taufers becomes the home of cheese
13 Mar - 15 Mar
Albere Park in Aldeno
The creek flows slowly among the old trees, and mallards swim on the mirror of its ponds
An amazing journey from Vallagarina to the Dolomites
by €449.00 2 days
The path of poets in Calceranica al Lago
Nature so beautiful, it is pure poetry
Panoramic crown on the ridge of the Marzola
Overcoming one's fears achieves beauty and serenity
Romanesque Church of St. Martin - Trasiel Itinerary
A distant past kept in the clearing
Church of Sant'Osvaldo, Garniga Terme
A little church that plays hide-and-seek
The Roman Roads, between Migazzone and Calceranica al Lago
Retracing the steps of so many generations before us
Square, Garniga Terme
The pond in the small mountain hamlet of Piazza mirrors the new Heart of Jesus Church