Event  }  Local flavors

Friuli DOC

The festival of the flavors of Friuli

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In a nutshell

The city of Udine opens its doors wide to celebrate the flavors and traditions of Friuli, a land where the art of making good things has been handed down for generations. At the center of Friuli, Udine is the natural home of this great festival, and its taverns and restaurants are the heart of Friuli DOC. Also among the event's protagonists are more than 30 local associations and Pro Loco, committed to offering visitors their excellence. There will be many appointments to deepen the knowledge of wines, products and cuisine of the area, and then many shows, meetings dedicated to history, art, traditions. In addition to tasting Friulian wines, San Daniele, Montasio, Gubana and all the other typical Friulian products, you will then have the opportunity to discover the city of Tiepolo, its history, and the soul of an extraordinary territory, guided by the scents and stories along the streets of Udine. Events such as conferences and book presentations are generally free admission but reservation is required, it is recommended to consult the official website for more information.

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Event concluded

Sunday 10 September 2023

Where is

Friuli-Venezia Giulia

33100 Udine UD, Italia (0m s.l.m.)



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