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Sour cherry wine

Nectar of the gods of Marche tradition

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Where is


San Paolo di Jesi, Ancona, Marche, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


A treasure in the glass

Sour cherry wine, known as early as the 15th century and highly appreciated by the local nobility ever since, is a historic product of the Marche region, rightly considered, due to its reduced current production, a patrimonial treasure to be protected. According to local tradition, sour cherry wine was used to toast the birth of the first-born son, and after the customary cheers, some of the drink was kept in a barrel until his wedding day. Perhaps a small auspicious ritual for matters of the heart!

There are two major production areas: the hinterland of the province of Pesaro and Urbino, especially in the towns of Cantiano, Pergola, Sant'Angelo in Vado and Sassocorvaro, and Vallesina, especially in San Paolo di Jesi. It is in this small village that the Sour cherry wine festival is held every year in October. In the entire region it is the only event dedicated to this product, so it is not surprising that it attracts thousands of visitors.

03-barattoli.jpgFermenting sour cherries

Traditional preparation

The wine is made from the successful combination of wild black cherries(prunus cerasus or sour cherries) and local red wine. The traditional method of preparation takes more than a year between harvesting the fruit and fermentation. The sour cherries harvested in spring are left to ferment in the sun with added sugar until early fall. When it is harvest time, the resulting syrup is mixed with the grape must and left to ferment again for several months. After a further passage in barrels it is finally bottled, usually the year after the harvest.

The result of so much fruitful rest is a drink that is distinguished by its deep dark red color, sweetish cherry scent and delicate taste. Sour cherry wine often peeps out at the end of meals and does not disdain the company of a dessert or a very mature cheese.

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