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Villa Giusti-Suman in Zugliano

Between tales and mysteries

Arts & Culture
Arts & Culture

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Where is


Via Villa, 5, 36030 Zugliano VI, Italia (190m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

It is located right in the heart of the village, a stone's throw from the parish church, and, believe it or not, for a time it was also the oratory of Zugliano. The facade still bears the gables that adorned the windows and traces of further pictorial decoration. We are in the province of Vicenza, an area rich in villas, many of them Palladian. Villa Giusti-Suman, however, cannot boast such an illustrious authorship: despite studies, neither the villa nor its pictorial cycle has yet been attributed to any name. Perhaps this is why it remains unknown to most, despite the fact that it truly has so much to tell.

Why it is special

The main floor is entirely frescoed. The first room is that of Genesis. One of the elements told with particular emphasis is the universal flood, with the destructive force of water. The next room, that of the Fountains, takes up the theme of water, but this time in a playful, friendly key. The landscapes are surprising: perhaps to accentuate the illusion of still being outside, the painted scenes are those that could be admired from the door and windows. In short, if the villa jealously guards its own history, it cheerfully tells that of its territory.

Not to be missed

We then move on to the Hall of Music, with the telling of the events of Jerusalem Delivered. Next is the Hall of the Olympic Gods and Seasons. The first decorative band takes up the gods, while the upper one shows the allegories of the seasons. A curiosity: above the fireplace is placed the god Vulcan. The season even higher up is not the warm summer, but winter, complete with a child warming himself over a small fire. The last room, deviates from the others: the Knights' Hall in fact tells of a historical event that happened in 1683: the Vienna War.

A bit of history

Built around the 15th century on a pre-existing structure, the villa has changed hands several times. In the 1900s the last owner left it to the parish, which used it as an oratory. A few years later it was bought by the municipality of Zugliano, which continues to manage it as an asset of all, hosting public and private events of various kinds inside, in addition to normal visits.


The fresco depicting the construction of the Ark, in the Genesis Room, has a curiosity: all the men depicted are left-handed. No, this is not a matter of any particular symbolism or artist's error. As we have already mentioned, these works are inspired by those of Michelangelo. Doing some archival research, a series of prints were discovered that reproduced the Sistine Chapel scenes in reverse. Probably those who took them as models did not know the originals, or perhaps had a poor memory, and reproduced this detail "faithfully."

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Comune di Zugliano

Villa Giusti Suman, owned by the Municipality of Zugliano, is certainly the most notable historical building in the town because of its architectural and artistic value, linked especially to the presence of a richly worked facade.