Wonder  }  Place of worship

A walk among the churches in the village of Canzo

A thread stretched between village and mountain, between cobblestones, cobblestones and stones polished by the Ravella


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Via Chiesa, 38, 22035 Canzo CO, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


A journey into the spirituality of Canzo

One of the best ways to get to know the soul of a village is to visit its churches. Places of worship often represent the hardships, hopes and history of a community, and visiting them allows us to get in touch with past and present generations who have lived in these places. When then the churches are located in a village like Canzo, immersed in the beauty of the Larian Triangle, this approach route becomes a beautiful walk through the heart of the village and the nature that surrounds it.

We will start from the largest, the Basilica of Santo Stefano, in the center of the village. From the main square, we walk through intricate alleys and lanes, finally crossing the ancient little bridge over the Ravella stream to arrive at the small square and church of San Francesco. From here, the path takes us to a small chapel that sits on the edge of a beautiful meadow: it is the small church of San Michele. Finally, taking the Geological Trail, we will arrive at the Hermitage of San Miro al Monte.

In the square, between the sacred and the profane

A curiosity: in front of the square of the Basilica of Santo Stefano is the headquarters of the Società Operaia di Mutuo Soccorso in front of which a mulberry tree (murùn), a tree symbolic of the Brianza silk tradition, has been planted. To the side of the wide square is the old market portico, an elegant five-arched arcade with a front and double pilasters, which retains on the outside the rings used for the cattle fair by San Stevenin (St. Stephen) on December 27.

In the Community

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Each church has its own history and curiosities: dense plots of history to learn about the life of a rural village.