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An Art Channel, among the medieval villages of Tenno

A depopulated village rediscovers its soul in art

Arts & Culture
Arts & Culture

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Where is

Trentino-Alto Adige

Villa Canale, 38060 Tenno TN, Italia (600m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

The goal was to look for an elevated spot from which to photograph Tenno Castle. Thus, we climbed along the road of the villas, on which rise, precisely, the four hamlets of the hamlet Villa di Monte. Once I find the ideal view, sounds of celebration echo from the small cluster of stone houses and lanes behind me. We wander in without a second thought, and lo and behold, Canale-which looked deserted seen from the outside-surprises us with street music and, above all, a thousand colors of art that make the bare rock even more vivid.

Why it is special

One is surprised that such a small place with such simple origins can be overflowing with endless art and knowledge, passed down from generation to generation. Not only local handicrafts, in which wood, iron and stone are the real protagonists, but art in its most general concept is as if it came to life in the village. And this is confirmed by the presence in the area of numerous artists - including internationally renowned ones - among whom the painter Giacomo Vittone stands out, to whom the "House of Artists" is dedicated.

Not to be missed

It can be said that it is precisely art here in Canale that has been the main driving force behind its revival after depopulation at the beginning of the 20th century. "The Artists' House," one of the most important structures in the village, is a real house museum, which has become the beating heart of all artistic activities in the entire municipality. This charming place around the 1950s became a gathering place for artists from all over Europe.

A bit of history

The first document attesting to the existence of Canale dates back to 1211, but even today it is clear what kind of life the inhabitants of the small rural hamlet led. Valuable evidence of the connection they had with the land is given to us by the Museum of Agricultural Tools. However, from the 1950s to the present, it is not so much crafts as art in its most essential connotation that has reactivated the tourism machine up here. The artist fell in love with the hamlet and the hamlet...became art...indeed, a "Channel" of art, for all intents and purposes.


Today, the "Artists' House," is a real center of artistic and cultural promotion. Not only that: it also performs the function of a "living room" for artists of all nationalities, who always left their works as donations, contributing to the establishment of the collection of "Casartists."

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