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Villages of the Orange Coast - 2 DI 3

Three Boroughs of the Gulf - Gasperina

It is the second of three villages that follow one another in a hilly itinerary open to exciting views of the Gulf of Squillace


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Where is


88060 Gasperina CZ, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


This is one of three villages on the Orange Coast.

Gasperina, what they call a panoramic balcony over the gulf

This small hillside village on the Ionian side of the Serre occupies a terrace that at 500 meters above sea level overlooks the Gulf of Squillace, only 3 kilometers away as the crow flies. Behind the built-up area rises the slope that among olive groves and vineyards ascends to Mount Paladino (m 663) landmark relief of this stretch of the coast.

In history a Norman count and a Carthusian abbot

Historical records concerning the founding of Gasperina date from before the 8th century and tell of a village built on the ruins of an early inland castle to ward off recurring dangers from the sea. Rather, the earliest certain records date back to Norman times and to Count Roger, who placed the hamlet of Gasperina among the dependencies of the powerful Carthusian monastery of San Bruno, represented as much by the nearby Grancia di Sant'Anna as by the Sanctuary of the Madonna di Termini.

From sunrise over the sea to the thousand lights of dusk

Gasperina is a town of considerable historical and artistic interest, but what excites from the first moment is the view that its relevant location allows, from Punta Stilo to Capo Rizzuto, an arc of the Ionian coast that offers an unforgettable spectacle as much at dawn as at sunset when it lights up with a thousand lights.

The suggestion of a historic bell concert.

In the heart of the town, the church of St. Nicholas the Bishop is the product of several eras: of ancient foundation, it was revived several times until the 18th century and contains notable works of the Neapolitan school. Sober in appearance, crossing the solemn portal reveals a three-aisled interior with octagonal granite columns, which guide the eye to the grand Baroque high altar, topped by a 16th-century ciborium. Pulpit and choir are 18th-century furnishings in inlaid wood. Not to be missed is listening to the concert of three rare seventeenth-century cast bells.

A red wine decanted by a great signature

Gasperina is a town of rural tradition: extensive olive and orange groves, but above all a renowned wine production. It was even Mario Soldati in 1969, from the pages of his famous book Vino al vino, who incensed the Rosso di Gasperina, likening it to a Taurasi if not even a Barbaresco.

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Recommended by
Francesco Soletti

Village in a panoramic position in itself--and if that were not enough, Paladino Mountain is an even more spectacular viewpoint