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Chestnut Tree Trail

Among villages and forests in the heart of the Larian Triangle


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Where is


Piazza Felice De Mattia, 22030 Rezzago CO, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


Not only in autumn

Thechestnut tree is one of the most widespread plants of the Larian land and, probably, one of the most evocative. These very trees, thanks to chestnuts, have played a fundamental role in the development and sustenance of the peasant civilization. A bond that with man, which from pure necessity has become a real affection. The Chestnut Trail takes us into the presence of these magnificent trees, giving us the opportunity to enjoy the majestic landscapes of this land and all the surprises that the forest has to offer.

The route

The route takes us in a couple of hours through the hamlet of Rezzago and the Selva castanile di Enco, touching the village of Caglio. Departure and return are right in the hamlet of Rezzago, in the heart of which, on the walls of the village center, niches, colors of frescoes, devotional images and small chapels stand out. The itinerary is intended for families, has a positive elevation gain of 160 m with a maximum altitude of 790 msl and has a difficulty E (for hikers) on the CAI scale.

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