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Segantini "under the open sky" in Caglio

Hunting for inspiration in the footsteps of the great painter

Arts & Culture
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22030 Caglio CO, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


A village with a rural soul

Caglio is a village in the province of Como that is the result of the skill of master stonemasons who carved and laid its stones with love and wisdom. Exploring narrow lanes and small squares where the typical wooden loggias of the old peasant houses face each other, one arrives at the heart of the village, at the Church of Saints Gervaso and Protaso with a large churchyard. The traces of an ancient art that distinguished skilled stone craftsmen for their mastery can be found in the local architecture, in the columns, steps, portals, arches, nevere and sacred shrines, part of the religious construct of the village.

Tipici loggiati contadini in legnoTypical peasant loggias made of wood

Of stones and colors

But elements with bright colors and a more modern air carpet the views of Caglio here and there, creating for the visitor a kind of open-air museum. They are faithful reproductions of some of Segnatini's paintings about rural life, the countryside and faith. This all stems from the special union between the town of Caglio and Giovanni Segantini, an Italian Divisionist painter, dating back to the late 1800s. When Segantini, together with his wife, left Milan in search of profound inspiration, he landed in Pusiano and then in Eupilio, in the province of Como, but he felt the call of the Pre-Alps and the elevated mountains, and so it was that he settled in Caglio in 1885, finding among its views and countryside a new lifeblood.

Riproduzione del «Trittico: La vita» di Giovanni SegantiniReproduction of Giovanni Segantini's "Triptych: Life"

Walking with Segantini

To mark the 150th anniversary of the master's birth, the village is dedicating a permanent exhibition to him that places large-scale reproductions of his masterpieces where they were born. This creates a very special, almost symbiotic effect , where the colors of the paintings embellish the stones of Caglio, and where the rural fabric makes his works vibrate with thickness. Here then that to accompany the visitor through the narrow streets of the village think works such as "After the Storm" with the heaviness of the sheep fleeces soaked in rain; the melancholy "Alla Stanga," painted in the meadows of Santa Valeria in Caglio in the early evening, the contours blurred by the arrival of darkness, the watery eyes of the herds; the intense naturalism that transpires from "The Two Mothers" in the accumulation of the human condition to the animal one.

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