Wonder  }  Village

San Costanzo

The irresistible charm of small things


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Where is


Corso G. Matteotti, 1, 61039 San Costanzo PU, Italia (149m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

In the heart of the province of Pesaro-Urbino, pointing your finger on the map halfway between Fano and Senigallia, you see the charming village of San Costanzo. Lying on the top of a hill overlooking the mouth of the Metauro River, this pretty town spreads its robes along the valley to where the river rejoins the sea. The ancient city walls, however, demarcate and protect history, culture and traditions.

Why it is special

The ingredients are all there: the tall bell tower that leans against the castle walls and towers over the village square; the Town Hall (inside which are valuable works by Pesaro artist Terenzio Terenzi); and the La Concordia Theater (18th century), San Costanzo's pride and joy. But there is more: the pride and dedication of the inhabitants in preserving and reviving the cultural life of the village.

Not to be missed

For people to savor the tastes of the earth, San Costanzo hosts the 100-year-old Sagra Polentara, the oldest festival in the Marche region, in March and July. The main dish, the word says it all, is polenta, prepared according to a jealously guarded ancient recipe and served with a wide variety of sauces and condiments. Master polenta makers from all over Italy flock to this event every year.


The municipality of San Costanzo includes two hamlets: Cerasa and (with as many as 73 inhabitants) Stacciola. Historically, the castles of the three hamlets represented a strategic point of relevant importance for the defense of the Fanese territory. Today they are small hamlets of great charm and sense of hospitality: it is not uncommon for outsiders, if they ask for information, to still be personally accompanied by locals.

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Michela Cassano

In San Costanzo I feel at home. That is why it is one of my favorite places.

SharryLand Friendly Municipality
Comune di San Costanzo