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Pretoria Gate in Albano Laziale

Memories of the Emperor's camp.


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Where is


00041 Albano Laziale RM, Italia (381m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to arrive at a Roman encampment? In the historic center of Albano Laziale you can get an idea. This is where Porta Pretoria is located, which was the main entrance to the encampment. Of course, this is not the only evidence of what was accomplished by the troops of Emperor Septimius Severus: the camp occupied the whole of today's built-up area of Albano Laziale, and you can still admire other gates, towers, the large water cisterns that served the Castra Albana, known as "cisternoni," the baths, an amphitheater and a vast necropolis.

Why it is special

On balance, it is a ruined structure, yet it gives off an enviable strength: it almost seems to defy everything and everyone to stand the test of time better than she did. Even its discovery reflects this characteristic: it occurred during the bombing of World War II. At a time when Italian monuments were in danger of being obliterated forever, Porta Praetoria showed itself to the world following the collapse of a modern building. Kind of reminiscent of a phoenix rising from its ashes, don't you think?

A bit of history

Alba Longa according to tradition was a city of Latium Vetus, at the head of the confederation of Latin peoples (populi albenses). It was destroyed by Rome under King Tullus Hostilius, after the year 673 BC. Livy locates the city on Mount Albano, in an elongated position in the direction of the mountain ridge, hence the name Alba Longa. The location of Alba Longa, the ancient Latin capital, is not yet certain, but a medieval tradition placed it in modern Albano Laziale. Archaeological studies have shown that in fact between the 9th and 8th centuries B.C., both in the Colli Albani territory and in Rome, populi were located on high ground with a series of scattered settlements.


Admiring ancient artifacts, especially when scattered over the territory, makes one hungry. We are helped by broccolo capoccione, Albano's most important typical product, a high quality variety of broccoli so named for the size of its inflorescence. It is the main ingredient in one of the most renowned dishes of the local culinary tradition: broccoli attufati.

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It was the main entrance to the Castra Albana, the encampment built by Emperor Septimius Severus beginning in 202 AD when he stationed in Albanum, now Albano Laziale, the Legio Secunda Parthica Severiana