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Route of the Trenches L. M. Belloni

In the footsteps of the Great War on the paths of Monte Generoso


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22024 Lanzo D'intelvi CO, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


A journey through history

A 10-kilometer trail will take us to the wonders of Monte Generoso, the highest peak in the Intelvi Valley. The path, located in the Monte Generoso Regional Forest, offers an excursion to discover the military works that protected and housed thousands of soldiers during the Great War: it develops along the ridge that descends from the Barco dei Montoni towards the Val Mara customs post in Switzerland, retracing in good part the route of the military service mule track of the fortified line placed to defend the border, which welds to the Sighignola line, a panoramic Intelvese peak known as the "Balcony of Italy," on the opposite side of the Valley. The route has a medium difficulty and a positive elevation gain of 485 m with a maximum altitude of 1350 m asl.

Luigi Mario Belloni

The proposed itinerary is dedicated to architect Luigi Mario Belloni, a person who first understood the value of O.A.F.N. (Occupazione Avanzata Frontiera Nord) fortifications. Belloni, who moved from Milan to the banks of the Lario, directed many campaigns of excavations and recoveries of important Como monuments for the purpose of preserving them for future generations. He was among the first to understand the vast importance as a "civilian" work of the Cadorna Line: in fact, this was one of the first "great works" in the history of Italy, given the working and, therefore, economic sustenance it gave to the families of the Intelvese. Trenches, forts, and observatories were brought to light and their value was thus revealed, which we can still admire today: they are built with indigenous materials, and, at the same time, blend perfectly with the local morphology.

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