Wonder  }  Protected area

Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park

Under a clear sky, golden fields line the steep slopes of the high mountains


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Where is


Lago di Provvidenza, 67100 L'Aquila AQ, Italia (1,054m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

The Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park is one of Italy's largest protected nature reserves and stretches, for the most part, along the inland area of the Central Apennines, between the provinces of Ascoli Piceno (in the Marche), Rieti (in Lazio), L'Aquila, Pescara and Teramo (in Abruzzo).

Why it is special

The park is striking not only forits vastness but also for the beauty and variety of its colors, flowers, fields, trees, sky, paths to walk and landscapes to admire. Lush vegetation covers the Laga Mountains, thanks to their arenaceous-marly composition, while the forests, from which the tall rocky horns sprout, appear immense and impenetrable.

Not to be missed

The itineraries are all very stimulating and interesting, but it is essential, in order to get completely in tune with the territory, to taste its fruits. Taking the road that leads to a dairy, workshop or farm store is practically a must. Sink into the roots of the multi-millennial local food and wine that is carried on here, day after day, with love and dedication by the many local artisanal enterprises.

A bit of history

The district was officially established in 1991. Subsequently, from 1992 to 1995, several Ministerial Decrees followed one another to establish and fix not only the safeguard measures in the territorial scope, but also the definition of the perimeter, which increased from the initial 220 thousand hectares to the current approximately 150 thousand hectares of area. In 2001, the administrative headquarters was moved from L'Aquila to Assergi, in a former 14th-century Franciscan convent. Giuseppe Rossi, Walter Mazzitti, Stefano Allavena, Giandonato Morra, and Arturo Diaconale and Tommaso Navarra were presidents or extraordinary commissioners.


At its original size of about 220,000 hectares, it would have been, by far, the largest National Park in Italy. After its reduction this is the third largest nature reserve after the Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni National Park and the Pollino National Park.

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Luigiandrea Luppino

An endless expanse of meadows, a riot of colors in the flora that covers, lushly, all the mountains, including the imposing Gran Sasso massif, with its characteristic horn shape, which is reflected in the Pietranzoni Pond.