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"Green Gold" of Pove

Discovering the olive trees of Grappa

Local flavors
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Where is


36020 Pove del Grappa VI, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


The Conca degli Olivi

Pove del Grappa is a small village located at the outlet of the Valsugana. Its districts find their place in the natural amphitheater that the slopes of Grappa form to the southwest. Here, every garden, every flowerbed, every open space is planted with olive trees. The breezy climate, the absence of fog and humidity, and the composition of the soil mean that more than 20000 olive trees thrive in the municipality today. And it is precisely because of this that Pove can boast the official designation of "Conca degli Olivi" and rightfully belong to the "Oil Cities of Italy."

01-olive.jpgThe olive harvest

The green gold

Pove falls within the area of "Olio Veneto del Grappa," which in turn has been granted Protected Designation of Origin status. The oil thus named has a green-gold color with modest variations of yellow while its organoleptic characteristics show very low acidity, fruity smell and flavor.

The olive fair market

Every year, on Palm Sunday, the historic olive market fair is held in the streets of the town. Typical products, nursery displays, exhibitions, show gardens and the typical bruschetta, of course topped with olive pate and extra virgin olive oil. In addition, annually and at the same time with all other member cities, the "walk among the olive trees" is organized.

02-bambini.jpgThe harvest becomes a game

Olive harvesting

Between October and November, the olive harvest takes place. In this season, a walk through the streets of Pove will give you a chance to appreciate the intricacies of the harvest, especially on the steepest "banks" where the centuries-old "tapes" stand out against the sky and test the acrobatic skills of the Povesi. But harvesting is not just hard work. It becomes an opportunity to teach the little ones the art of "pomeare" (from the dialect name for olives, precisely "pomee") in a familiar festive atmosphere.

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Daniele Bosa

The olive tree, for a Povese, is not just a plant. It is art, culture, passion. Thousands of olive trees strongly characterize the landscape; their fruit, oil, enhances its richness.