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Natural Monument WWF Oasis Pian Sant'Angelo

An adventure between nature and history


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Where is


Contrada Cardelli, 01030 Corchiano VT, Italia (240m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

Visiting the WWF Oasis of Pian S. Angelo, is like plunging into the past of these territories: inside it is preserved intact the ancient landscape of the Falisco countryside, where cereal fields, dotted with large and majestic centuries-old oaks, and olive groves bordered by hedges and wooded strips. As you walk along the path, you enter another dimension, immersing yourself in wild and unspoiled nature, crossing woods of tree heather, Mediterranean scrub and descending into evocative gorges lush with ferns and lianas.

Why it is special

But there are not only naturalistic beauties: the descent into the gorge makes us appreciate also the historical-archaeological ones of the area, where there are remains of Faliscan, Etruscan and Roman works. Valuable archaeological treasures pop up along the way, and so it is that we discover the "Bridge of the Bridge" (3rd-2nd cent. B.C.), an aqueduct made of tufa square work, probably connected to a network of hydraulic works serving the Faliscan countryside, and the so-called "Tomb of the Chief," a splendid example of Etruscan funerary architecture.


The territory included in the Oasis is so rich in historical and natural treasures (there are numerous centuries-old trees collected here) that it was declared a Natural Monument on February 29, 2000.

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