Wonder  }  Itinerary

The Royal Road

The ancient road that connected Como to Bellagio along the eastern shore of the Lario River.


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22034 Brunate CO, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


The Strada Regia

At 35 kilometers in length, the Strada Regia is a pedestrian and bicycle path that offers incredible views of the Lake, allowing you to walk in complete relaxation away from traffic. It runs on pavements and mule tracks laid with local stone, passing through small villages.

Its history

A long mule track used until the early 1900s connected all the villages on the Larian side of the Triangle, allowing shepherds, wayfarers and traders to cross far and wide. When the Lariana carriage road was finished, the old road fell into disuse, so much so that the original starting point in Como is no longer usable due to the route's non-traversability in the section between Como and Blevio. Therefore Brunate was chosen as the new departure point.

Itinerary, landscapes and cultural heritage

Today it represents a historical itinerary that allows people to learn about unknown aspects of the lake and its territory. Numerous relics remain on the route such as stone bridges, dry stone walls, votive shrines and inns with the faded inscriptions of time. The first part of the trail runs through the woods on paved and mule tracks, while the second part, rich in ravines and slopes, runs on local stone mule tracks and is definitely more challenging. The trail is intended for families, presents elementary difficulty and has a positive elevation gain of 387 m with a maximum elevation of 645 m asl.

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