On the road of the two seas: Amaroni
Leaving Squillace is the first stop on the road that crosses the so-called Isthmus of Catanzaro between the Ionian and Tyrrhenian Seas
Where is

This municipality is located along the road of the two seas.
Amaroni, a village at the foot of Mount Carbonara
A town of early medieval origin, situated on a hill at the foot of Mount Carbonara, it faces a wide valley of olive groves and other terraced cultivation, which then gives way higher up to oaks and chestnut trees. Running through it is the Ghetterello stream, which descends from Mount Covello, a significant peak of the Northern Serre, and which, after receiving the waters of the Ferrera, another significant stream in local geography, flows into the Alessi near Squillace.
A bit of history: an important center of Basilian monasticism
Archaeological finds prove that the valley has been inhabited since prehistoric times, but the founding of the settlement in its present location is due to people who in the dark ages were in search of a safe place: refugees from coastal towns, beaten by pirates, or Basilian monks, who in turn were fleeing religious persecution. And here of the Gulf of Squillace there is a wide view. On the origin of the name various inferences are made. The most convincing hypothesis refers to St. Maron and a convent founded in his name, of which, however, little more than memory remains. The town has the characteristics of an agglomeration formed in various eras.
Not to be missed: the parish church of Santa Barbara.
The most representative monument is the Parish Church of Santa Barbara, rebuilt after the catastrophic earthquake of 1783. Elevated above the square, with its dignified facade and sturdy bell tower it forms a distinctive picture. The three-aisled interior has remarkable frescoes on the central vault and an imposing marble altar with an effigy of the titular saint, who earned the rank of patron saint for saving the town from the lightning strikes of an unprecedented storm. The church is the focus of celebrations held on July 31 and August 1 taking advantage of the return of the many emigrants. On the program, procession and fireworks, but also strong>tavolades in homes and street food.
Around the church, the labyrinth of wrinkles
The historic core is marked by narrow streets, the so-called wrinkles, along which are traditional houses. The dwelling is accessed through an external staircase, or profferlo, while street-level spaces serve as workshops or warehouses. Beautiful initiative, relevant streets and squares are marked by tables that also show the ancient names. So it turns out that largo Carbonai was called 'u chianu d'a fhuntana', via Giardino was 'a rughicedha' and so on.
Fun fact: a bee-friendly, bee-friendly commune.
From citrus honey, rising in altitude, to chestnut honey, Amaroni is part of the Italian Association of Honey Cities.