Wonder  }  Place of worship

The Byzantine parish church of St. Peter in Trent

Beautiful church in the shade of large maritime pines, between Ravenna and Forli


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Where is


Via Taverna, 67, 48125 San Pietro In Trento RA, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


What is it and where is the church of San Pietro in Trento

The church is a large brick building with a basilica plan, a double-gabled façade, a modern makeover following the demolition of the late Baroque façade, and is concluded by a seven-sided polygonal apse. The only decorations are on the sides: a repeated series of three hanging arches framing the narrow slits from which the church gets light.

Why it is special: an unusual shape

The dimly lit interior is very atmospheric. Divided into three naves by brick pillars, covered by a truss roof, it ends with a raised apse. The peculiarity of its plan is due to the fact that it is not a rectangle but a scalene quadrangle, so the walls are not parallel.

Not to be missed: the crypt

The jewel of the church is the crypt, made up of twelve arches and seven cross vaults resting on somewhat precarious-looking pillars, the capitals appear to be resulting, larger or smaller than the pillars all with different motifs.

A bit of history

This church also has a complex history, mentioned in a document from 982 it is certainly older, however, tradition dates it to Galla Placidia, but it may date back to the 6th century. The crypt is later, from the late 10th century. In the 20th century it was cleared of all Baroque superstructures and restored to its presumed original structure. In 1944 the Germans blew up the bell tower, which collapsed on the apse, destroying its frescoes forever. This necessitated further reconstruction.

Fun fact: Why "Trent" if we are in Ravenna?

The church is dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul and is located in the Ravenna hamlet of San Pietro in Trento. The origin of this curious place name is to be found in the Roman centuriation; the village was located at the 30th mile of the centuriation.

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Patrizia Iome

It has charm, this church, lost in the countryside and isolated by a thick curtain of trees. It takes you back in time.