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A walk among the churches in the village of Canzo - 1 DI 4

The Basilica of Santo Stefano in Canzo

A Baroque church in the heart of the village collects art and precious relics

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Via Chiesa, 38, 22035 Canzo CO, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


What is the Gèsa Granda of Canzo.

In the center of Canzo is the beautiful Church of Santo Stefano, also known as the Basilica of Canzo. The beautiful Baroque facade, with its stone portal and statues of St. Miro and St. Stephen, makes it immediately clear that this is a large building. Not surprisingly, the nickname by which the people of Canzo refer to their basilica is: la Gèsa Granda. The title of Basilica is due to Cardinal Pozzobonomelli who, when consecrating the church in 1752, was surprised by its magnificence, titling it, precisely, "Basilica."

Why it is special: a treasure chest of sacred art

Its interior is grand: four side altars lead to the high altar. This is crowned by a consecrated vault with frescoes of the Trinity and the glory of St. Stephen, and surrounded by sails depicting the four evangelists. Three of the four side altars are adorned with statues made by Elia Vincenzo Bussi (also active in Milan Cathedral), and they are: the Virgin Mary, St. Anthony Abbot, and St. Bernard. The fourth altar houses a beautifully carved, painted wooden crucifix with real hair (an example of Spanish art). It was also admired by Cardinal Borromeo in 1779.

Not to be missed: the Serassi organ

The organ in the Basilica of Canzo is a gem for connoisseurs: a fine Serassi organ from Bergamo with 1510 pipes dating from 1828. At its keyboard sat such masters as Spinelli, Bassi, Tagliavini and Parodi.

A bit of history

A chapel dedicated to Saint Stephen existed in Canzo as early as the late 1200s. In 1697 the parish priest Pellizzoni began the collection of funds to invest in a larger building: the noble families of the Tentorios, producers of wool pieces in demand throughout the Milanese countryside, the Masciadri, the Meda, the Pellizzoni, the Della Torre and the Sacchi intervened. The foundation stone was laid in 1728 and the work was built in Baroque style, with a single nave, rich and elegant, with marble and gilding.

Fun fact: the pocket of St. Charles Borromeo.

In the heart of Canzo Parish, there is a "pocket" steeped in history, preserved in a precious casket related to the great St . Charles Borromeo, bishop of Milan. This treasure was unearthed a decade during a restoration effort. During the terrible plague of 1576, St. Charles took care of the plague victims, filling his pocket with money for the poor and receiving letters and wills from the wealthy. This gesture of love and sacrifice made the pocket not only a relic, but a symbol of St. Charles Borromeo's greatness.

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Want to learn more about St. Stephen's Church and the Pocket of St. Charles Borromeo? Click here and discover the in-depth study.

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