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The Bridal Leap, a walk through mystery and nature

A landscape as beautiful as a painting, the air as fresh as the notes of a violin, and a story that still cannot be explained

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Where is


25040 Angolo BS, Italia (414m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

The Seriana Valley in the province of Bergamo knows how to be discovered through authentic wonders. Not far from the Presolana Pass there is a path in nature that stands out for its beauty and quietness, which can be reached from the scenic road that connects the Pass to the Vareno pass. At the end of the walk you reach the wonderful viewpoint known until the late 1800s as "The Lookout." Indeed, from here the view is magnificent: it embraces the gorge over the Dezzo stream and the Scalve Valley.

Why it is special

The landscape enjoyed from this vantage point is uniquely beautiful: an invitation to the slowness typical of mountain landscapes. What makes it even more special is that it can look, in some respects, like the setting for a play. To be fair, there is no shortage of actors either. There they are. A man and a woman, embracing, and a violinist. Black silhouettes that seem to want to tell us a story.

Not to be missed

Whether you are in a couple, family or alone, stop in front of the immensity that opens before you. Close your eyes and breathe slowly, becoming one with the colors, scents and sounds that surround you. Let yourself be lulled by the peace of this enchanting place and let yourself be carried away by the feelings it will arouse in you, which then, perhaps, will be the very same feelings felt by the two lovers who came here in the late 19th century.

A bit of history

Legend has it that in 1871 this cliff was the favorite destination of two newlyweds from Poland, Maximilian Prihoda, a musician, and his wife Anna Stareat, a painter. The young musician had traveled to Italy for a concert at La Scala Theater and, while visiting relatives in the Seriana Valley, fell in love with the Borgo di Dorga where they resided, so much so that he moved here with his wife in 1871. One evening, for no reason, the two lovers threw themselves into the void embracing each other, which is how their lifeless bodies were later found. It is to them that the present name of the belvedere is owed: "Jump of the Spouses."


This story still fascinates researchers from all over the world. Some extensive research has led to the recent discovery of a painting of Anna at the Prince of Wales Musuem of Western India in Bombay, while a score by Maximilian is kept at the library of the Conservatorio Gaetano Donizetti in Bergamo.

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Beatrice Scambi

And as a breathtaking panorama opens up, we find ourselves imagining the two lovers, as if they were there with us. Maximilian, playing his violin whose melody echoes throughout the valley, and Anna painting, inspired, the outlines of the mountains.