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The Papermakers' Village

An immersive museum in Subiaco reconstructs a 19th century paper mill with working machinery for handmade paper production

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Where is


Via degli Opifici, 00028 Subiaco RM, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


What is it and where is the Borgo dei Cartai

Imagine walking through the streets of Subiaco, among the green hills, the crisp air and the colors of the river, and suddenly you are catapulted into a world of ancient crafts: you are in the heart of the Borgo dei Cartai . A place that tells the story of paper, its artisanal origins, and the deep connection with the Aniene River, which for centuries powered the city's mills.

Located in an old mill, this museum welcomes you to an atmosphere of yesteryear, where you can see for yourself how, centuries ago, paper was made. Here, the smell of moisture mingles with the smell of wood and fresh paper, while artisans show you, with skillful and measured gestures, the ancient art of manual production: a little journey back in time, a return to the origins of what we take for granted today: paper.

Why it's special: the hamlet's workshops

What makes Borgo dei Cartai special is not just its history, but the chance to touch that tradition with your own hands. It's not just about looking; you can get your hands dirty, participating in workshops in which they will teach you how to make paper using the same techniques used in the 1800s. It's a unique experience that will make you appreciate the slowness, the care, and the craftsmanship of an ancient trade.

Not to be missed: handmade paper

One of the Borgo's must-haves is definitely the course on handmade paper. Taking raw pulp, dipping it in water, feeling it transform under your fingers, and eventually seeing it become a sheet - it is a magic that only those who have tried it can understand. The perfection of nature and craftsmanship come together in a sheet that tells of the patience of the past.

Curiosity: a fine paper

But there is a curious detail that few people know: the paper produced in Subiaco was so valuable that it was used for documents in papal archives and the first editions of the most important books of the time. Many scholars sought it out for its unique quality, so much so that some of the first incunabula (the very first books produced by the printing press) in Europe were printed on this paper, which traveled to the most important universities in Europe.

Subiaco and the Borgo dei Cartai: a bit of history

The history of this village is closely linked to 1587, the year in which the first paper mill for the production of paper was inaugurated by Pope Sixtus V in Subiaco. This innovation profoundly marked the town, which from that moment on became a point of reference for paper production in central Italy. The paper produced here, in fact, contributed to the dissemination of precious texts and the preservation of knowledge.

The Borgo dei Cartai is not just a museum, but a living experience that celebrates the union of nature, history and tradition. A visit here is not just a plunge into the past, but an opportunity to rediscover the beauty of slow, precise and meaningful gestures, a link to the time when everything was made by hand, with care and dedication. If you are looking for an authentic experience, in a natural and cultural setting of rare beauty, Borgo dei Cartai will know how to make you fall in love with the past.

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Recommended by
Daniele Fappiano

I recommend the Borgo dei Cartai because it is a journey into the past that allows you to touch an ancient art. The fascination of creating paper by hand in such an authentic setting is an unforgettable experience.


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