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Cortale - Jazz&Vento

Jazz in windy Cortale: a major music event against the backdrop of Serre Calabresi


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88020 Cortale CZ, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


Jazz music where you just wouldn't say

For more than two decades, Cortale has stood out on Calabria's summer calendar for a music festival with the intriguing title, "Jazz&Vento." The double meaning is obvious: on the one hand, it qualifies it as an event of great appeal, and on the other, it winks at the atmospheric element peculiar to this town of the Serre, so much so that the kermis always opens with a sort of ritual, in music of course, to propitiate the favor of Aeolus, the god of the wind.

A stage as big as a whole country

Concerts fill the main town squares, but musicians often take over other spaces in a village that seems like a continuous stage set. The organizers' intention is certainly to create an event on par with others in the same region that have more history, but the second aim is to promote the image of the village by attracting an international audience sensitive to the values of the best tourism.

One does not live by music alone...

Great jazz music, of course, often expanded into jam sessions involving the audience, but also gastronomic tours and exhibitions of traditional local crafts.

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