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Col de la Caora, a shot at 1375 meters above sea level

A vantage point, a majestic spectacle


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Where is

Trentino-Alto Adige

Vigolo Vattaro, 38049 Altopiano della Vigolana TN, Italia (760m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

From the locality of Bracagnoli in Vigolo Vattaro we entered the dense forest of the "queen of the plateau": the Vigolana. The day is clear: ideal for taking spectacular photos. We follow the path to Malga Derocca, although our goal aims a little closer, namely to the "Col de la Caora" at 1375 meters above sea level, located on the northern flank of the mountain.

Why it is special

Arriving at the plaque we realize that we have covered the trail, with an elevation gain of about 700 meters, in just over two hours. Looking around we immediately feel rewarded for our exertions: numerous panoramic overlooks open up among the dense branches of the trees that grow overhanging this long, narrow "goat's neck" overhanging the mountainside. On the northwestern side Trento, the Bondone, the Adige Valley and the Marzola, but it is the eastern side that is at its best...

Not to be missed

On the eastern side will appear to your eyes, like a bright beacon silhouetted against the blue sky, a rocky outcrop overhanging the mountainside. You intuit that from there you can have a wide, breathtaking view. Then make your way through the many coniferous shrubs, careful not to fall, to gather in one of your best shots the entire Vigolana Plateau, Lake Caldonazzo, and the panoramic view of Valsugana.


On your way to the "Col de la Caora" you will find another plaque, about a hundred meters below, that says "Carbonara dei frati." Take a good look around. If you will be good observers, already from this height you will be able to catch a glimpse, somewhat hidden among the dense vegetation, of the view of Caldonazzo Lake and Valsugana. However, it will still be impossible for you to see the Vigolana Plateau in its entirety.

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Luigiandrea Luppino

After about two hours immersed in the dense forest on the slopes of the Vigolana, in rejuvenating coolness, we arrive here on this long, narrow sun-kissed "neck" from which there is a magnificent view of all the peaks, villages and valleys of the surrounding area.