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Casino of San Pellegrino Terme

A plunge into the Belle Époque

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Where is


Viale della Vittoria, 51, 24016 San Pellegrino Terme BG, Italia (366m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

Opulent, elegant, opulent. These are some of the adjectives that are well suited to the Casino of San Pellegrino Terme, a structure whose Art Nouveau style is expressed in all its magnificence. Each of its surfaces comes alive with a very rich decorative apparatus, so much so that one could get lost for hours admiring it: a multitude of human and animal figures move in the spaces left free by the complex tangle of lines, some curved and voluptuous, others sharp, rigorous.

Why it is special

The period in which the casino is set is marked by great industrial, intellectual and artistic fervor and an equal desire to enjoy life. And it is this enthusiasm that spills over into the decoration of the casino, teeming with natural and mythological elements. Nature and art come together in what seems to become an ode to joie de vivre. Symbolisms abound, and, in this regard, a word of advice: choose a guided tour, it will be of great help to you in delving into the mysteries of the Casino.

Not to be missed

It is not at all easy to choose one place more distinctive than others. Perhaps, the one that often leaves you open-mouthed and sometimes a little confused is the main staircase. Why confused? Because it has a twin - sort of. Those who have visited the Opéra Garnier in Paris cannot fail to notice the resemblance to its grand staircase. It was meant to be imitated here, in homage to the city that symbolized the Belle Epoque, because it was precisely the high society of this era that enlivened the halls with its chatter.

A bit of history

From being an unknown provincial town lost in the mountains at the turn of the 1800s and 1900s, San Pellegrino became a fashionable spa resort, so much so that it attracted bourgeoisie and nobility from all over Europe. The San Pellegrino Casino was created in this context to provide a place of leisure and entertainment for the many tourists who frequented the town in the early 1900s to undergo spa treatments.


Even if many people don't know it, the Casino of San Pellegrino Terme is much more famous than you might think: most likely you too have seen it at least once in your life: in fact, it is the one depicted on the S.Pellegrino water stamp, which proudly brings it to tables all over the world!

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Recommended by
OTER Orobie Tourism, Experience of Real

The San pellegrino Terme Casino is an Art Nouveau structure from the early 1900s. Every decoration is studied to the smallest detail, and you can take a plunge into the belle époque period through a guided tour. An immersive experience.


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