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Villages of the Orange Coast

A day hunting for views going up from the Ionian coast to three villages overlooking it from the first hilly hinterland

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Piazza Antonio Susanna, 21, 88069 Copanello CZ, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


In the hinterland of the Gulf of Squillace

The route of this travel proposal is State Road 106 Ionica in the section between Copanello and Soverato, from which some local roads go up among the hills of the first hinterland of the Gulf of Squillace. It is that part of the coastline called Costa degli Aranci (Orange Coast), if one considers the crop most evocative of its beauty, but also Costa dei Saraceni (Saracen Coast), if one looks back to the period of pirate raids that induced its ancient inhabitants to take refuge inland.

Among citrus gardens and chestnut forests.

This need is at the origin of three hillside villages that have much in common: Montauro (m 393) and further Gasperina (m 489) against the backdrop of Mount Paladino (m 683); and then Montepaone (m 367) at the foot of Mount la Rosa (m 709). First of all, the location, which today is called scenic, but which was originally functional to prevent the dangers that could come from the sea. Then the agricultural vocation, which to the usual triad of olive trees, vines and wheat, sees the addition of citrus fruits. Finally, the traditional pastoral and forestry activities that still characterize the upper reaches of their territory.

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Francesco Soletti