Wonder  }  Itinerary

Walking between Pian delle Alpi, Prabello, San Zeno and Erbonne

In the Intelvi Valley encountering nevere, ancient villages and breathtaking views


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Where is


W3FC+3P Cerano D'intelvi CO, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


In preparation for the trip

A 17-km route takes you to discover the last wonders of Italy before the Swiss border. It starts from Cerano d'Intelvi near Pian delle Alpi, and continues in the direction of San Zeno. We then return toward Pian delle Alpi to reach the Prabello refuge, close to Sasso Gordona, and as a last stop we arrive at Erbonne. The route is intended for families, has a medium difficulty and a positive elevation gain of 700 m with a maximum altitude of 1220 m asl.

The route is mainly on mule tracks with clearly visible and irrefutable directions. The most challenging part is definitely the ascent to San Zeno, while, the ascent to Prabello is definitely less steep, but care must be taken on the descent near the Swiss border since, crossing the forest, the gradients are also significant. The road to Erbonne, a small old nucleus, is well maintained and connects alpine pastures, snowfields and meadows. The return to Pian delle Alpi is on a paved road and closes the tour.

Wonders along the way

The trail weaves together breathtaking natural and cultural landscapes: from the basin of Pian delle Alpi with views of the sostra, an ancient rural stable, San Zeno, a small church built by the Magistri comacini and further on Lake Como; to the 360° panorama from the top of Mount San Zeno; to the Prabello refuge with views sweeping towards Lake Como, Bellagio, Legnone, the Grigne, the Larian mountains, Monte Generoso Monte Croce and further away Pizzo Badile, Pizzo dei Tre Signori and Bernina. Having landed in Erbonne it will be possible, by booking, to visit the Piccolo Museo della Guardia di Finanza e del Contrabbando with its stories of Burlanda and Sfrüsaduu, financiers and smugglers, and marrying towards Orimento it will be possible to take a horseback ride in the forest of Maggiociondolo, a UNESCO heritage site, or interact with the life of the mountain pasture through a guided tour and educational proposal.

From Sasso Gordona you will take a plunge into the past among barracks, trenches and observatories, when, during World War 1, between the spring of 1916 and 1917, there were fears of an invasion by the Germanic army aimed at reaching, through neutral Switzerland, the industrial zone of Milan. Thus originated the "Advanced Occupation Northern Frontier" fortification line , improperly known as the Cadorna Line, on which not a single shot was fired.

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