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Walking in the village of Barni

In the Larian Triangle among ancient streets, meadows and natural monuments


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Via Luigi Bricchi, 3, 22030 Barni CO, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


Discovering a small mountain village...

An 8-km loop trail starting and returning to Barni, a village of 600 inhabitants careful to preserve the local dialect and culture and which owes its name to the word of Celtic origin Bar, meaning, pasture. The route is intended for families and has a positive elevation gain of 400 m with a maximum altitude of 960 m asl.

...and the wonders that surround it

The route encompasses the territory of Barni, touching some sections back to the village of Magreglio. We walk through the historic core of the village wandering through narrow streets on whose walls is posted the permanent photographic exhibition "Un paese in posa," which allows the discovery of the cultural traditions of the place and a natural closeness with the local community. Continuing on we will have the opportunity to admire breathtaking views of Lake Como. We will then transit from the municipal forest areas to encounter the monumental Castanun de Buncava, a colossal chestnut tree with a circumference of almost 8 meters. Also waiting for us is the legendary "Cadrega dul Diaul," chair of the devil, a chair-shaped erratic boulder. To finish, on the way back to Barni, we meet at the entrance to the village the Romanesque church of SS. Peter and Paul. This, however, is a land of pastures and livestock farms, and it is to honor this local aspect that the walk will also allow us to discover the processing of primosale, to put our hands in the dough and take home self-made cheese.

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