Experience the Map of Wonders
What we are going to do
Walking with a mid-mountain guide we will reach the Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows, on the way back to the apiary, we will get to know a family of bees up close by observing life inside the hive. Their birth, tasks and internal organization, and we will understand how this perfection of theirs is increasingly jeopardized by climate change and how it relies on the rhythm of the seasons and a regular supply of water as a fundamental element for the collection of nectarines. At the end of the workshop, snack with sweets and drinks also made with honey. Minimum age: 6 years.
Trail detail...
Noise of wings
A hike between Lake Segrino and Mount Cornizzolo with bees
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Included services and info
Mid-mountain companion
Via Ceresuola, 2, 22030 Corneno-galliano-carella Mariaga CO, Italia
Carella (Eupilio) cemetery parking lot.
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