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Jacquard Garden Exhibition Market

The Most Exotic and Colorful Flora on Display.

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In a nutshell

In beautiful Schio, the most fragrant and colorful September event is back again this year. At Giardino Jacquard and many other locations in the town: Lanificio Conte ,Palazzo Toaldi Capra, Fabbrica Alta just to name a few, for two whole days the most beautiful and rare Orchids, Bonsai and other plants and flowers will be on display and for sale. Many will be the exhibitors from all over the world, given the internationality of the event, who will set up with creativity and ingenuity the spaces available. An event not to be missed!

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The Map thanks:

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Cercatori di Eventi

I am always very fascinated by the myriad of colors and shades that an orchid contains. I recommend this exhibit, it is well curated and intriguing.

Event concluded

Fri 20 September 2024 - Sun 22 September 2024

Jacquard Garden, Lanificio Conte, Fabbrica Alta, Palazzo Toaldi Capra, Spazio_Shed etc.

Where is


36015 Schio VI, Italia (0m s.l.m.)




In the Community

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The Map thanks:

Reported by
Cercatori di Eventi

I am always very fascinated by the myriad of colors and shades that an orchid contains. I recommend this exhibit, it is well curated and intriguing.