The auspicious serenades of the Bufù bands.
Tradition lives again through the notes of the Bufù
In a nutshell
The Bufù is a musical instrument consisting of a wooden barrel, with a closed bottom and an open top side but covered with taut goat or calf skin, in the middle of which is inserted a reed that is raised and lowered by the player with a damp cloth to produce a somber noise, reminiscent of its name.
This instrument gladdens the streets of the town of Sepino every year on New Year's Eve. Musicians play the instrument as a New Year's wish, so-called "serenades" that take place before midnight. On the morning of Jan. 1, the celebration continues in the town square, where a fun competition among the bands lasting about three hours is held, with a trophy awarded.
Event concluded
Mon 30 December 2024 - Wed 1 January 2025
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