Event  }  Tradition

St. Joseph's Torch

The great bonfire of Pitigliano

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In a nutshell

On the night of St. Joseph (March 19), an ancient Pitigliano tradition, the Torciata di San Giuseppe, is renewed every year. The event harks back to an old pre-Christian custom by which the beginning of Spring was celebrated, securing divine protection for the new season of great harvests. The event begins a few days before the Saint's Day with numerous side events, musical performances and sports competitions. The most anticipated moment of the feast takes place on the evening of the 19th, when forty "torciatori" - hooded and wearing traditional clothing - carry a large bundle of wood and reeds on their shoulders along a route that starts in Via Cava del Gradone and ends in the Town Hall Square. Upon reaching the square-where in the meantime a tall straw puppet symbolizing winter has been created-they start the huge bonfire that will burn the bundle of wood and also the puppet. As soon as the puppet is set on fire, the hooded men take hands and form a circle around the fire, dancing according to ancient rituals.


Tue 18 March 2025


Wed 19 March 2025

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Cercatori di Eventi

A long night with ancient and ancestral roots.


Tue 18 March 2025


Wed 19 March 2025

Where is


58017 Pitigliano GR, Italia (0m s.l.m.)



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Cercatori di Eventi

A long night with ancient and ancestral roots.