Event  }  Festival

The carnival of Alessandria del Carretto

In the heart of Calabria, carnival is heralded by u' pohicinelle

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In a nutshell

The ancient mask of "Połëcënellë" is the centerpiece of the Alessandria del Carretto carnival. Its characteristic color is white. White is the mask, the robe and the flour it throws like confetti. Against this white, which represents the beneficent forces, stand out the bright and cheerful colors of the decorations of the robe and the high headdress, where there is also a mirror. The great spectacle of the "Połëcënellë" begins with their dressing up and continues with the parade through the streets of the town, a celebration to be participated in with joy.

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Event concluded

Sunday 23 February 2025

Where is


87070 Alessandria del Carretto CS, Italia (0m s.l.m.)





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