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Golden Mountains Festival

The Leogra Valley...History, Tradition, Fossils, Metals

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In a nutshell

The Leogra Valley Mountain has always been a mountain "Rich" in iron, lead, zinc, silver and pottery clays, here people worked in mines to extract these minerals. Torrebelvicino with the "Festival Dei Monti d'Oro" has created a unique and immersive event for everyone, an original way to explain these places and the history of 300 million years ago. A journey into the past to learn about the present. Three days that will allow you to choose various activities for adults and children: Themed Cultural Evenings, Exhibition Market of Stones, Fossils and Scientific Collectibles, A route through the mines with the experts of the Geomineralogical Museum, a Traveling Show and Game, Play/Educational Workshops for children and a Gastronomic Stand with local specialties

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Cercatori di Eventi

These are places that take us back to a past of hard work and prestigious stonework, a wonderful educational opportunity for adults and children.

Event concluded

Thu 10 October 2024 - Sun 13 October 2024

Aldo Moro Square

Where is


36036 Torrebelvicino VI, Italia (0m s.l.m.)




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The Map thanks:

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Cercatori di Eventi

These are places that take us back to a past of hard work and prestigious stonework, a wonderful educational opportunity for adults and children.