Event  }  Religious festival

Feast of San Cataldo in Corato

Apulian city celebrates its patron saint

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In a nutshell

From the traditional liturgical celebration, to the procession, through the civil festival. The central moment of Cataldo's festivities is the triduum set in August. A rite that is traced back to the early twentieth century when the cult of the saint coincided with the feast of the Assumption, at Ferragosto: all the Coratini residents in other cities of Italy and the World return to the village to pay homage to their saint. The procession is always well attended as are the civil celebrations, which are rich in musical events.

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Event concluded

Fri 18 August 2023 - Sun 20 August 2023

Battisti Square, St. Elias Square, St. Mary Major and downtown streets

Where is


70033 Corato BA, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


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