Event  }  For children

Fairy tales on the balcony

Storytellers and fairy tales for children in the square in Belluno

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In a nutshell

The appointment with "Fables on the Balcony," an evocative event focused on the figure of storytellers, is renewed in the heart of Belluno. Along a magical route, parents will accompany children on four stages where four stories told from the city's historic balconies will be held. The storytellers are, strictly, in medieval costumes. A wonderful and highly original initiative! The event takes place in several city squares: Piazza dei Martiri, Piazza S. Stefano, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, Palazzo Doglioni Dal Mas and Piazza Duomo.

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Cercatori di Eventi

A child-friendly event but open to young and old where fairy tales and culture mingle.

Event concluded

Sat 5 October 2024 - Sun 6 October 2024

Where is


32100 Belluno BL, Italia (0m s.l.m.)



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Cercatori di Eventi

A child-friendly event but open to young and old where fairy tales and culture mingle.