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International Descent of the Tiber (DIT)

Journey along the banks of the Tiber in daily stages for canoeists, cyclists and walkers.

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In a nutshell

From July 4 to 9, 2022, the 43rd International Descent of the Tiber (Dit) is a 7-stage guided canoe, bicycle, and walking route with tourism and nature sports purposes.

Outdoor activities
. Paddling: 6 days of guided stages
Biking/Walking: 2 days of walking and 4 days of biking.

. July 4 Todi-Corbara (Paddling, Walking)
July 5 Corbara-Baschi (Paddling, Cycling)
July 6 Baschi-Alviano (Paddling, Walking)
July 7 Attigliano (Paddling, Cycling)
July 8 Civita Castellana (Paddling, Cycling)
July 9 Nazzano (Paddling, Cycling)
July 10 Big Jump

Cultural Activities
. Numerous guided tours to archaeological, historical sites and protected areas. In particular: Baschi Antiquarium and Scoppieto Archaeological Area, Alviano Nature Oasis (Via Fiume), Orte Underground, Orte Diocesan Museum.

Social activities
. Communal dinners will be organized in local inns and taverns, best booked in advance.

Sportsmen from Italy and abroad, experienced and inexperienced, participate in DIT. You can choose to stay overnight along the river with your own tents, in gyms, farmhouses or campers; you can also participate in individual stages. The atmosphere of the Descent is festive but orderly. Everyone is welcome, but you will fit in best if you have a spirit of adaptation, the ability to do it yourself, helpfulness and friendliness toward others. Registration required.

In the Community

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The Map thanks:

Organized by
Discesa internazionale del Tevere

For a fee

Event concluded

Sun 3 July 2022 - Sat 9 July 2022

Along the Tiber River, from Todi to Nazzano

Where is


Q9QM+2P Todi PG, Italia (0m s.l.m.)



Sito Ufficiale DIT 2022

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In the Community

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The Map thanks:

Organized by
Discesa internazionale del Tevere


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