Event  }  Festival

Cucu Festival

The International Festival of Theatre and Street Performers

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In a nutshell

The "cuco" ancient terracotta whistle in the shape of a small bird, inspired the name of this unique Festival. Cucu Festival is the International Festival of Street Artists, which for four days will enliven Roana and its hamlets with exciting performances that will take place in the squares, in the streets, in the woods, enchanting young and old. All the performances proposed are of the highest level and privilege aerial acrobatics and original, unique and unrepeatable theatrical shows; the locations chosen are the ideal setting to enhance the artists' performances and make known an area of a thousand resources. A Festival for everyone!

In the Community

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The Map thanks:

Reported by
Cercatori di Eventi

It is so nice to see the passion, commitment, and dedication of these artists who bring so much beauty in their travels around the world.

Event concluded

Wed 21 August 2024 - Sun 25 August 2024

Roana and Hamlets

Where is


36010 Roana VI, Italia (0m s.l.m.)




In the Community

Ciao , share photos and emotions about this Event

The Map thanks:

Reported by
Cercatori di Eventi

It is so nice to see the passion, commitment, and dedication of these artists who bring so much beauty in their travels around the world.