Event  }  Tradition

46th Potato Festival

From Cultivation to Tasting of the World's Most Famous Tuber

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In a nutshell

Rotzo is one of the towns of the 'Plateau of the Seven Municipalities and its reputation is given precisely by the cultivation for more than 250 years, of the blonde potato with an unmistakable mountain taste. The festival is a long-awaited and heartfelt event, which is attended by the whole community and local producers as well as visitors attracted also by the beautiful surrounding landscape. The program of the event is very rich and will satisfy just about everyone: an exhibition dedicated to the potato of Rotzo and its history, exhibition of tractors and machinery used for harvesting, music and dancing every evening, tribute concerts, DJ in the late evening and the possibility, at the food stands, to taste the typical dishes made with potatoes and many other products the local. So...let's go!

In the Community

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The Map thanks:

Reported by
Cercatori di Eventi

Everybody really likes the potato, so in this festival it is nice to learn more about its tasting here and there.

Event concluded

Thu 29 August 2024 - Sun 1 September 2024

Municipal Schools

Where is


36010 Rotzo VI, Italia (0m s.l.m.)




In the Community

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The Map thanks:

Reported by
Cercatori di Eventi

Everybody really likes the potato, so in this festival it is nice to learn more about its tasting here and there.