Event  }  Local flavors

15th Festival of Beekeeping and Local Typical Products

Limana a country as sweet as...Honey

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In a nutshell

In the beautiful setting of the Bellunese Dolomites, a Festival dedicated to Honey, its enhancement, biodiversity, knowledge, and identity of origin. The Market-Exhibition, will be an opportunity to see the exhibition of beekeeping equipment, the "Smielatura", honey processing, and the creation of wax. The various Beekeepers will present their honey productions, which will participate in the coveted "Limana Paese del Miele" award given to the best honeys produced and packaged in the Belluno area. Seminars, conferences, tastings, exhibitions, honey extraction demonstrations, nature walks and much more in honor of Honey and Beekeepers and agriculture will be held during the three-day event.

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What fascinates me about honey besides the sweet scent is its blond hues, captured and preserved in jars!

Event concluded

Thu 17 October 2024 - Sun 20 October 2024

Where is


32020 Limana BL, Italia (0m s.l.m.)




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Cercatori di Eventi

What fascinates me about honey besides the sweet scent is its blond hues, captured and preserved in jars!