Experience the Map of Wonders
Results ( 92)
The Po di Volano, from Ferrara to Pomposa Abbey.
A dive into history, from the capital of the Este family to the mosaics of the medieval basilica
Villa Vetrichina
The historical center of Nazzano
Between a majestic castle and disruptive nature
The Benedictine Abbey of Santa Bona in Vidor
Where the Saint who came from Egypt rests
The fossil dunes of St. Aryan
Not the usual isolated hills-what a story they hide!
The Po Delta
From Adria to Ferrara a range of emotions, following the great river that meets the sea
The Brenta River: walk between Campolongo to Valstagna
A true lady among the rivers of Italy
The Po delle Tolle, from Ca Tiepolo to the Sacca di Scardovari
Traveling from the endless beach of Barricata to lagoon delicacies
The Po di Maistra, from Ca' Venier to Boccasette
It is the most pristine branch of the Delta, suspended between the riverbank and fishing valleys
The Po di Levante, from Adria to Porto Caleri
Wandering by embankments around around the northernmost branch of the Po Delta.
The Po di Pila, from Porto Viro to the lighthouse at Punta Maistra
In the heart of the Delta, at a time of certain lonely beaches that further you just can't go
From Baschi to the WWF Oasis of Alviano
In search of silence, where the river gives itself a break