Wonder  }  Trees and flowers

Muzio de Tommasini Public Garden

A green oasis in the heart of Trieste


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Where is

Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Giardino Pubblico Muzio de Tommasini "Borgo Franceschino", Via Giulia, 2, 34133 Trieste TS, Italia (0m s.l.m.)


What it is and where it is

It is an urban park in the center of Trieste located between Via Marconi and Via Giulia. If you come from the south (thus from Via Cesare Battisti) the monument at the entrance and the triumphant explosion of greenery behind it are immediately striking. The monument dedicated to Domenico Rossetti would deserve a space of its own; in this story, however, it is the Public Garden that is the real protagonist along with its trees (368 specimens!), guardians of this little jewel. They are the ones who invite us in, if only to say hello, even if we are in a hurry.

Why it is special

We enter. As if a door closes behind us, protected by the green giants, we isolate ourselves from the noises of the street, and it is other sounds that we perceive as we go deeper into the Public Garden: the clatter of skates from the small asphalt track, the multilingual chatter from the benches, the water flowing from the turtle pond, the cries of children from the play area, the dry sounds and cackles from the area dedicated to ping-pong battles. The only ones silent are the chess players, and the ever-present bench readers. It is a sacred place in its own way, but one that one does not tiptoe into, a place to be experienced, always offering itself as a gift to those who pass by.

Not to be missed

The park space hosts a number of cultural and recreational initiatives throughout the year, especially in the warm season, including outdoor cinema and concerts. For history buffs, on the other hand, the "bust hunt" may be interesting : there are as many as 31 of them scattered throughout the park, poets, writers, historians, musicians, archaeologists, entrepreneurs, all personalities who made Trieste great.

A bit of history

The Garden is named after Muzio de' Tommasini (1794 - 1879), a botanist and mayor of Trieste for a decade, known for his initiatives in the fields of nature and zoology. He launched the park project in 1852, with the idea of creating a lush garden in which to house a wide variety of trees, shrubs, and amusements. The project was so successful that the pavilion on the north side of the park (where a cafeteria stood, now unfortunately closed) had become a lively gathering place of the bohemian Trieste of the 1800s. Who knows, maybe history will repeat itself!


Italo Svevo chose the Public Garden several times as the setting for scenes in his novels, most notably in The Conscience of Zeno. The protagonist discovers the park on the very day of his fateful meeting with Carla, his future lover, who lives nearby. Funny is the scene in which Zeno, strolling through the park in the hope of meeting Carla by chance, runs into his mother-in-law instead and strangely thinks: maybe she too is cheating on her husband.

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Alice Laverda

I have always thought of parks as democratic places par excellence. The Public Garden is a temple open to all in which to gather to exquisitely celebrate idleness!