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The five days of Vo'
From contrada to contrada, among landscapes and flavors, how to ascend in the right spirit to the summit of the Euganean Hills: m 601, by golly!
The Benedictine Abbey of Santa Bona in Vidor
Where the Saint who came from Egypt rests
The fossil dunes of St. Aryan
Not the usual isolated hills-what a story they hide!
The Po Delta
From Adria to Ferrara a range of emotions, following the great river that meets the sea
The Brenta River: walk between Campolongo to Valstagna
A true lady among the rivers of Italy
The Po delle Tolle, from Ca Tiepolo to the Sacca di Scardovari
Traveling from the endless beach of Barricata to lagoon delicacies
Lombard Antiquarium
An immersion in the distant past
Scano Boa, the last frontier of the Delta
Boat trip to a place out of time that inspired a novel and a neorealist film
Trail of big trees
At the foot of the Little Dolomites
The Po di Maistra, from Ca' Venier to Boccasette
It is the most pristine branch of the Delta, suspended between the riverbank and fishing valleys
The Po di Goro, from Ariano in the Polésine to the Bacucco lighthouse
From bridge to bridge, with a nautical appendage to the Sacca di Goro Dunes and Islands Reserve
The City of Gold
Vicenza and Gold, a perfect pair that since the Middle Ages never ceases to amaze