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What to do near Ferrandina, MT
Results ( 42) for: " Ferrandina, MT, Italia"

Craco, ciack si gira in the ghost town
An uninhabited village resurrected thanks to the seventh art

Basento nature trail
Nature trail along the course of the Basento River, which runs along one of the fundamental arteries of Basilicata: the Basentana. A path that leads to the discovery of very characteristic scenery and landscapes.

Stories of resilience and courage suspended between the land and sky of Lucania

San Mauro Forte
It is an ancient hill town in Matera that shows Norman influences in its fortifications, and the splendor of eighteenth-century life in its many noble palaces.

MIB, Immersive Museum of the Bruna
Legends, traditions and technology

Gallipoli Cognato Park
Forest of beech and oak trees, with fairy-tale nature trails spread over 5 municipalities. Among the most valuable experiences are the Flight of the Angel and a visit to Lucania's little Stonehenge.

Badlands between Aliano and Craco
The Lucanian badlands is a barren and fascinating area because it has been eroded by wind and sun but emerged from the sea. It looks like a lunar setting and is the subject of study and the setting for films.

Tricarico Cathedral
The church of Santa Maria Assunta appears to date back to Robert Guiscard. Remodeled several times with two naves, it preserves frescoes and wonderful stucco work, and the tombs of the bishops of the diocese.

Rocco Scotellaro
Rocco Scotellaro, mayor poet of peasant freedom. He left many writings, but above all, he left an indelible imprint in the hearts of his countrymen.

Rite of Commencement Carnival
This is the ritual that the Masks perform on the night of Jan. 17 to propitiate St. Antuono, patron saint of animals. Food, music and dancing around the bonfire precede the 3 ritual laps around the church.

Archaeological Museum of Tricarico
Some rooms of the Ducal Palace house the Archaeological Museum, where the remains of excavations from the Tricarico, Civita and Collina Materana areas with valuable works are located.

Ducal Palace Tricarico
The Ducal Palace is a treasure chest of beauty and town memory, with its decorated rooms overlooking the town. The Sanseverino counts lived there and today it is Tricarico's exhibition center.